Privacy Policies

Hahaha! Privacy on the internet! Funny.

Seriously, a huge amount of your privacy concerns are from being online at all now. Use proper internet hygiene, for who you are, and the risk your browsing may present to your personal information, safety, and liberty.

My policies

I don’t track users, have no tools installed to specifically monitor you, and barely even track aggregate usage of this website.

When you purchase a Touch Template or other products, I keep the info you submit, but only in a database for those purchases. I will occasionally (less than once a year) share relevant information with the email you used to purchase the items. Relevant information is things like a new version of the Touch Template, not other random selling.

When you use a contact form, I may or may not add the information you submit to my contacts for future reference also.

Good faith effort

Naturally, I cannot guarantee information you share here is safe from malicious actors.

All policies are transient

I cannot guarantee that your information will be permanently safe or used in the manner stated above forever. I could get hit by a bus tomorrow and my info sold to someone who will try to use it to market to you. This is unlikely as I do not have a large enough set of info because I do not gather visitor data, and my co-workers and family believe the same as I do, but it’s possible.

Third party policies

Some services such as analytics are provided by Google. I have no control over them.

Google privacy policies

I use as few third party plugins as possible, but only on the side I control. Much of this website is hosted by Squarespace. They have their own policies, and use many plugins to other third parties. I really do not know what they are doing with all our info and do not have a complete list of all third party software used.

Squarespace privacy policies

Typography is provided by Adobe Typekit.

Adobe privacy policies

Adobe Fonts specific privacy information